Wednesday, December 27, 2006


Finally completed One year in ma company and got confirmed in the company. Its been a wonderful and eventful one year. Made a lot of friends, understood people around and blah blah .... The days ahead are really gonna be hectic be it inside the office or be it outside the office.

First ma certification, then the Mumbai Marathon after that Enduro 3. Hope I'll be in one piece after all these activities ....

Will update as and when these activities are through with :-)

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Ok now that our ODC week's celebrations are over, I have to concentrate on ma work and on Mumbai Marathon have to really start the preparations for that. Although I had participated in Pune marathon that was for 10 Km Category, But in Mumbai am going for the Half marathon which is 21 Km. So I'll have to build up the stamina for that now only 28 days left !!!

Saturday, December 16, 2006

About me

Hi All,

Its me Upendra and I have tried opening a blog and am planning to maintain this for lemme see how much time !!!!! Anyways am thinking of posting regularly to this blog ...