Saturday, December 29, 2007

Pune International Marathon 2007

This was an event I was waiting for long (ie : An year). This time we were running to raise funds for a cause too. This time it was for Ekalavya Nyasa. We had 23 runners fro the 10 K event and around 54 in the 4.5 AIDS Charity Run. It was fun and guess what I was able to run all the 10 K continuously without pausing which is a good sign. The event had good publicity this time around with celebrities like Sunil Gavaskar, Salman Khan, Aarti Chhabria and couple of Chak De girls coming along to cheer the participants. Completing the race was motivation enough for me to run the Mumbai Marathon too this time for the Half Marathon event.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

To Rajgad we go !!

A trip to Rajgad was organised by our company. Had fun going out with colleagues. It was a wonderful trip there.

It was cool fun and a tiresome 3- 31/2 hours trek totally to climb up and back down from the peak.

Going Home .......

After doing lotsa shopping for the kid and after coming back to Pune, now I am all set to go to Calicut where my Family and the new kid in the family await my return.

When I reach home I get a glimpse of my Bhanja dearest, I start my vacations with full joy. I have really no clue about how time flied by as it was time for me to be back to Pune.

Took part in his naming ceremony where he was officially named as Prachet. But Mom and yours truly named him Rudra-Kanha. Rudra was named by me and Kanha by Mom ;-)

Back To INDIA !!

Sept 1 2007 is an important day in both my career and my personal life. I came back from a short stint of 2 months 15 days of so called onsite deputation. Had fun made lotsa friends and roamed places.

Landed at Bombay when I got the news that I had become an Uncle a.k.a "Mamu" . My Sis was blessed with a baby boy.

More updates to follow........

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Atlast the rain gods said enough is enough and pulled down the flood gates stopping the rains. Getting the opportunity to go out we decided to go to Greenwich. Myself, Nins and Vaibhav made our way towards our destination Greenwich.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

2nd Weekend down the drain

The climate still sucks here. The whole week was bit sunny and very light rain come the weekend then comes the rain drat !!! Anyways had party outside in a couple of pubs and planning to go somewhere out in town this weekend lets see how it goes

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Amchi London

Reached London at 6:30 PM GMT had a cabbie waiting for me as Sarang (My LN roomie) had booked one. The cabbie gave me a sort of a minitour showing me through central london and finally dropped me to the place which would be ma home for 2 months. Met my roomies Sarang, Vaibhav, Nins, Chirag. All a rocking group, nothing which would make me feel uncomfortable. All in all a home away from home. First day started off badly but by the time I was in office was felling comfy and all back to normal professionally :) Lets hope all would go on fine for the next two months ;)

Namastey London

At last the confusion prevailing over whether I will be travelling over the weekend to UK came to a rest when the order arrived. Dad and Happy saw me off at the airport. So finally got across the formalities and aboard the flight to Heathrow.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Life rolls on

Nothin new goin on .... Football practice goin on as usual. Sorta missing the old college days that fun we used to have. All flashes by now and then then I realise its almost 1 1/2 yrs into the workiing routine. All bits and pieces yet to join to make a single chunk. I think it will take coupla years more to set everything right.. Few thoughts for today :) Hope to set myself some really nice goals this time so that once that is acheived one can feel proud....

Monday, May 28, 2007

Phoenix Effect

Its been almost 4 months + now that I have added anything to this space. So finally taking an effort to revive the whole initiative. So might be guessing what happened in this span of 4 months and why all of a sudden a thought to rejuvenate the blog with a post.

The four months just passed like few minutes. There were a couple of changes in the office. Couple of ma closest pals left the office to pursue their career. We had a soccer tournament of the various accounts within our company where our team came as runners up. It was a good experience to go to footie practice in the morning and getting to know some cool guys like Yash, Brian, Arnab, Nipun & Chethan. We were novices and ended the tournament as amateurs :D
Then Brian,Yash and me got a chance to play in the Company's team. I am still yet to figure why they had chosen me ;-) I understand about Brian and Yash but me....... Anyways as I had to go on vacation had to miss almost all the matches.

Work, Sports and an awesome offshore team does great wonders to your morale. Then outside the office friends like Swatantra a.k.a Sher, Neetika, Bala, Abhishek simply make your day and hey friends even from Mumbai like Hemant a.k.a Happy , Abhishek a.k.a BPL make me feel at home whether I am in Pune or Mumbai

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

River flows !!!

Had to take a decision of not participating in the Marathon and Enduro3 although tough ones these had to be taken. So as a river takes it course had to deviate at a point and the point is now bad that one of my colleague who was so enthu had to quit because of me neways catch up later